RECRUITMENT OF NON-TEACHING POSTS Employment Notice No: CUTN/05/2019 Date: 24.12.2019
Central University of Tamil Nadu, an Institution established by an Act of Parliament, invites applications from eligible candidates for the following Non-Teaching post on direct recruitment basis:
The post carries usual allowances i.e. Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA) (in case not provided with staff quarters), Transport Allowance (TA) etc., as made applicable to the University by UGC / MHRD from time to time.
In addition to the above benefits, New Pension Scheme 2004 (introduced by Government of India vide G.I., M.F, (CGA,) O.M. No 1(7)(2)/2003/TA/11 dated 07-01- 2004 read with O.M. No. 1(7)(2)/2003/TA/67-74 dated 04-02-2004 as amended from time to time), reimbursements of Medical Expenses as per norms, Leave Travel Concession are available as per University rules. (Residential accommodation within the campus is subject to availability). B. TERMS &CONDITIONS:
The applicant must be a citizen of India and preferably below the age as prescribed against each as on the last date for receipt of applications i.e. 14.01.2020.
All applicants must fulfill the essential qualifications for the post and other conditions stipulated in the notification as on the last date of receipt of the applications i.e.14.01.2020. They are advised to satisfy themselves before applying that they possess at least the essential qualifications laid down for the post. No enquiry asking for advice as to eligibility will be entertained. CUTN employees are also required to submit the application through proper channel.
Application form shall be filled-in by the applicant (either neat hand written or typed) and send to the University duly following the instruction given below: (a) Affix full signature on the Application. (b) Write the name of the post applied, candidate name and full postal address on the reverse of the Demand Draft without fail. (c) Paste (do not staple/pin) a recent passport size colour photograph in the space provided on the application. (d) Enclose self-attested photocopies (not originals) of certificates along with the application in support of your date of birth, qualifications, experience, etc., as mentioned in the application. (e) Enclosures shall be arranged in chronological order (Payment Challan/Demand Draft Application form, SSLC, HSC, UG/ PG/Experiences etc) Write ‘Enclosure Sl. No.__’ (as mentioned/filled in the application) at the right top corner of each copy of the certificate/document enclosed. Applications without enclosures in support of educational qualification & experience will be summarily rejected and not considered for short listing. (f) Get endorsement of your Employer on the last page of the application (in case the applicant is employed) However, this shall not be insisted upon in case of candidates not working in regular positions (i.e. candidates working on ad-hoc/temporary/daily wages/hourly paid/contract basis.)
Finally, after attending to the requirements as mentioned above, send the application along with all the enclosures to “The Joint Registrar, Establishment Section, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Neelakudi, Thiruvarur – 610 005, Tamil Nadu”on or before 14.01.2020 (i.e. the last date of receipt of filled in applications).
Please write on the top-left side of the envelope “Application for the post of __.”