Categories: GOVT JOBS

ICMR @NIE recruitment 2022 for Clerk & Multi-Tasking staf Jobs | Government Jobs in Tamilnadu 2022 – Walk-IN-INTERVIEW

Education to the nominees for Walk-in-Interview:

1. Will produce the filled-in request accompanying an individual set of photocopies of requirements and experience and added tributes.

2. Aspirants should comply with all certificates/tributes in original for proof. Contestants who forsake lead the Original Certificates for the inscribed test / Interview will not be considered.

3. Age entertainment is allowable in respect of OBC aspirants, Retrenched Management Employees, and Administrative Aspirants (containing projects) apiece instructions circulated apiece Main Government now and then.

4. Knowledge credentials concede possibility indicates the character of charge all along the ending of employment. Job orders, pay slips, and offers of jobs will not be entitled to in place of the occurrence diploma. The happening license should hold payroll per temporal length of the event or entity’s existence and event.

5. No-Objection Guarantee from the current organization (for Govt./AB/PSU Helpers only).

6. The above-pronounced post is Allowable at the same time presented. The appointment can be refreshed following in position or time all specific endings are liable to be subjected to acceptable performance and project necessities.

7. The incumbents picked will have no claim for normal assignments under NIE/ICMR or continuation of welcome/her aids in some other project.

8. TA/DA will not be due by NIE for accompanying the inscribed test/interview.

9. The Manager, ICMR-NIE reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of posts or cancel the conscription or re-display the posts, outside appointing any reasons thereof, no further agreement will from something concerning this.

10. Any further facts grant permission to be downloaded from the ICMR-NIE site (Courses) which will be restored now and then.

11. Date of Customer-Interview can be changed on account of legislative reasons, therefore, candidates are considered to check the site before performing Customer-Interview.

The Director/Choice Commission has the right to acknowledge/turn down any use outside designating any reason thereof.

Polling and influencing pressure in some form for shortlisting, interview, and recruitment will be a disqualification and secured from the excerpting process.

I herewith declare that the facts supplied above are valid, complete, and correct to the high quality of my knowledge and theory.

இந்த வேலைக்கான



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