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தமிழக அரசின் திருமண உதவி திட்டம் | MARRIAGE ASSISTANCE SCHEME


The Moovalur Ramamirtham Ammaiyar, Memorial Marriage Assistance Scheme I being implemented by the Tamil Nadu Government to improve the educational status of the poor girls. The assistance is given to girls who have completed 10th Standard, +2, Diploma or Degree.


Objectives of the Schemes

To help financially poor parents in getting her daughter’s married and to promote the educational status of poor girls.

Assistance Provided and eligibility

Cheque of Rs.25,000/- and gold coin of 8 grams. The bride should have Completed 10th Std, at the time of marriage. If the Bride belongs to ST, She should have completed Vth Std. Parent’s income should not exceed Rs.72,000/- per annum. The bride should have completed 18 years and bridegroom should have completed 21 years at the time of marriage. Only one girl from a family is eligible. Application should be received before 40 days or atleast one day prior to the marriage incase of un avoidable circumstances.

Documents to be enclosed

10th Marksheet, Transfer Certificate, Community Certificate, Income Certificate, . Ration Card Photo Copy, Marriage invitation, Passport size photo of the applicant and parents.


Objectives of the Schemes

To help financially poor parents in getting their daughter’s married and to promote the educational Degree / Diploma, status of poor girls.

Assistance Provided and eligibility

Cheque of Rs.50,000/- and gold coin of 8 grams. The bride should have passed Degree /

Diploma, at the time of marriage. Parent’s income should not exceed Rs.72,000/- per annum. Parent’s income should not exceed Rs.72,000/- per annum. The bride should have completed 18 years and bridegroom should have completed 21 years at the time of marriage. Only one girl from a family is eligible. Application should be received before 40 days or atleast one day prior to the marriage incase of un avoidable circumstances.

Documents to be enclosed

10th Marksheet, Degree Cerficate, Provisional Certificate, Transfer Certificate, Community Certificate, Income Certificate, . Ration Card Photo Copy, Marriage invitation, Passport size photo of the applicant and parents.

விண்ணப்பிக்க யாரை அணுக வேண்டும்?

சென்னை, மதுரை, திருச்சி, சேலம், கோயம்புத்தூர், திருநெல்வேலி, ஈரோடு & திருப்பூர் போன்ற நகரங்களில் உள்ளவர்கள் மாநகராட்சி ஆணையர் அலுவலகத்தை அணுக வேண்டும். நகராட்சிகளில் உள்ளவர்கள் நகராட்சி ஆணையர் அலுவலகத்தினை அணுக வேண்டும். கிராமப்புற பகுதிகளில் உள்ளவர்கள் பஞ்சாயத்து யூனியன் ஆணையர் அலுவலகத்தினை அணுக வேண்டும்

Application Link


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