புதிய போஸ்ட் ஆபிஸ் வேலைவாய்ப்பு 2021 | தமிழ்நாடு அஞ்சல்துறை வேலைவாய்ப்பு 2021 | Tamilnadu post office recruitment 2021 | post office jobs 2021 in tamil nadu
இந்த அஞ்சல்துறை வேலை தமிழ்நாட்டில் அறிவிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
Posting Name :
1. Tyreman (Skilled Artisan)
2. Blacksmith (Skilled Artisan)
3. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade)
மாதம் சம்பளம் :
1. Tyreman (Skilled Artisan)
Level 2 In Pay Matrix As per 7th CPC Rs.19,900- 63,200
2. Blacksmith (Skilled Artisan)
Level 2 In Pay Matrix As per 7th CPC Rs.19,900- 63,200
3. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade)
(Level 2 in the pay matrix as per 7th CPC) Rs.19,900- 63,200
வயது வரம்பு :
Following are the eligibility conditions for the posts :-
1. Age Limit, Educational Qualification and Experience for the following posts.
(a) Age between 18 to 30 years of age as on 01-07-2021.
2. Relaxation of Age Limit : No age relaxation will be allowed to SC/ ST/OBC /EWS candidates applying against the un reserved posts.
Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) / Age between 18 to 27 years as on the closing date for receipt of applications from the candidates in India. (Relaxable upto 5 years for SC&ST, 3 years for OBC and for Government servants upto 40 years in accordance with the orders(or) instructions issued by the Central Government).Method of Selection :
By means of competitive trade test on the basis of syllabus in the respective trade.
Instructions to Candidates :
1. Application on plain paper in the prescribed format as produced in para 3 above should be filled in by the candidate either in English or in Tamil correctly and completely.
2. One Passport size photograph should be affixed at the place meant for the purpose on the application and should be duly self attested.. Along with the application form an Indian Postal Order for Rs.100/- (or)UCR receipt to be taken in any Post office should be enclosed towards application fee. The applications will be scrutinized as per the eligibility criteria and short listed applicants will be called for to attend trade test. The application fees collected from the applicants will not be refunded. Further , the short listed candidates should pay Rs.400/- as Examination fee ( for trade test) in the form of IPO (or) UCR receipt. The candidates belonging to SC/ST/Women employees are exempted from the payment of examination fee.
3. Proof of age, date of birth, educational qualification, experience, driving license etc. in the form of certificates / documents, issued by the competent authority should be enclosed with the Application Form. Only self attested Xerox copies should be enclosed.
4. Copy of Community Certificate issued by appropriate authority for appointment in Central Government Service / Posts only will be considered.
5. Application will be liable for rejection also due to following reasons:
1. Incomplete or not submitted in prescribed format.
2. Unsigned/undated/without photograph/without application fee.
3. Without proper attested copies of certificates.
4. Under aged / Over aged candidates.
5. Not possessing the requisite qualification / Educational qualification from nonrecognized Institutions.
6. Application received after due date.
7. Mutilated or damaged applications/ documents etc.,
8. Application for more than one post in single application.
9. Applications without required information /attachments as per the notification will be summarily rejected without intimation.
6. Original certificates should not be sent along with the application.
7. No correspondence of any nature will be entertained.
8 The applications should be sent through Speed Post / Registered Post only. Applications sent through any other means and given by hand will not be accepted.
9 Under Col.8 of the Application Form at para 3 therein , candidates should fill up the age as on 01.07.2021
கல்வித் தகுதி :
1. Tyreman (Skilled Artisan)
A certificate in the respective trade from any technical institutions recognized by Govt
8th Pass with experience of one year in the respective trade.
2. Blacksmith (Skilled Artisan)
A certificate in the respective trade from any technical institutions recognized by Govt
8th Pass with experience of one year in the respective trade.
3. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade)
10th Pass
Pass in 10th standard from a recognized board or Institute.
Experience of driving Light & Heavy motor vehicles for at least three years and they must be in possession of valid driving license to that effect. The License should have the word as LMV & HMV or HTV. Latest experience certificates issued by a Gazetted officer of a Central or State Government office where the applicant has been working or by the Head of registered Firm / Company / Agency / Institution should be enclosed. The Driving Experience Certificate should not have been issued prior to three months of this notification. Photocopies of Driving Experience Certificates with self attestation should be enclosed. The period of experience mentioned in the experience certificate should be within the period of validity of the Driving License. Otherwise the application will be rejected.
Desirable :
Three years service as Home Guard or Civil Volunteers.
Important Dates :
Starting date to apply offline – 30-03-2021
Last date to apply offline – 30-04-2021
How to Apply offline For Madurai post office Recruitment 2021
Candidates can apply offline mode (Speed post / Registered post).
Download Notification & Application Form
Fill the application without any mistakes.
Attach all documents in prescribed size.
check all details whether correct or incorrect.
Applying candidates can pay a payment by offline mode
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