தமிழ்நாடு அரசு கன்டோன்மென்ட் துறையில் வேலைவாய்ப்பு | Tamilnadu Cantonment Board Recruitment 2020
Tamilnadu Cantonment Board Recruitment 2020 Applications are invited from eligible candidates for filling up the following posts on permanent basis
Name of the Post: Midwife
Pay Scale: 19500-62000
Age Relaxation:
Post reserved for OBC/transgender, the upper age limit is 28 years and upper age limit for
Differently abled candidates is 38 years as on 03.08.2020. Minimum age for the above post is
18 years. Age relaxation for Departmental Candidates and Ex-Servicemen is applicable as perules.
The selection is based on skill test (which will be of qualifying nature) and written test.
Last date of receipt of application is 28-09-2020 & last date for candidates residing in remote
areas is 05-10-2020.
General InformationThis Job:
a) Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women
candidates are encouraged to apply.
b) The number of vacancies advertised is only approximate and is liable for modification
including reduction with reference to vacancy position at any time before finalization of
c) No conveyance, TA/DA or any other allowance will be paid for appearing for the written
test/skill test
d) Candidates already serving in any recognized institution, autonomous body or Central/State
Government undertaking should apply through proper channel.
e) Your candidature is Provisional. You must, therefore, ensure that you fulfill all the conditions
of eligibility including the essential qualifications as laid down in the advertisement/notice. If
at any stage it is found that you do not fulfill any of the conditions of eligibility, your
candidature will be cancelled and no appeal against such cancellation will be entertained. To
avoid any disappointment at a later stage, you are advised to recheck whether you meet all the
eligibility criteria laid down on the crucial date prescribed for the post/examination in
f) The above post is on permanent basis and probation period will be as per rules. The CEO
reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the applications without assigning any reasons
g) The date & time of Skill Test/Written Test or both, as the case may be, will be informed
separately only to the candidates found eligible.
h) The applications received after the scheduled date, incomplete or without essential documents
shall not be considered, whatsoever. This office shall not be responsible for any postal delay.
The CEO reserves every right to accept/reject the application form.
i) Mobile Phones and other Electronic devices are banned in the examination Hall.
9. Help Line for Candidates: – Any guidance / information / clarification regarding
applications, candidature etc., and candidates can contact Cantonment Board St. Thomas
Mount Office over Telephone (044-22332235, 22311718) on working days between
10.00am to 5.00pm.
Examination Fee:
The candidates have to pay fixed fee of Rs. 200/- through Demand Draft issued by any
Nationalized Bank drawn in favour of the “Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board, St. Thomas
Mount” & payable at Chennai, which should be enclosed with the application form. The candidates
belonging to Differently abled/Women are exempted from payment of fee.
Syllabus for Written/Skill Test:
1. Skill test will be conducted
for 20 marks.
Hospital work related to
Maternity & Gynecology
assisting skills will be tested.
The candidates will also be
tested for ability to read &
write in Tamil and English
(This test is for qualifying
2. Written Test: Duration – 1 Hour (60 minutes)
Written test will be conducted for 80
marks, which will be objective type.
The questions are based on general
studies and essential course knowledge
mentioned in qualification. The
duration of examination is 1 hour (60
minutes). No negative mark for wrong
Essential: 12th std passed, must possess the certificate for having successfully completed the Diploma in Auxiliary NursingMid Wifery Course from institution Recognized by Govt.
Desirable: Basic Computer Knowledge, Previous Work experience in the general nursing and Mid Wifery and candidates registered with Tamil Nadu Nursing and Midwife Council is preferred.
How to apply:
1. Attach two passport size photographs, one is affixed in application form and other enclosed in the application form.
2. Interested candidates may send their applications along with self attested copies of documents like caste certificate, qualification certificates, experience certificate, certificates showing date of birth, to “The Chief Executive Officer, Cantonment Board, North Parade Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai – 600 016.