Hiring and Empanelment of Project Assistants under Sponsored Project at CSIR-NEERI, Chennai Zonal Centre, Chennai.
Applications are invited for hiring/empanelment of project assistants (Level II) under sponsored projects as per the following requirements
WALK IN INTERVIEW – 16/01/2020 [10.00 AM]

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the following posts in CSIR Madras Complex (CMC), Chennai.

Walk-in-interview will be held at Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi on 08.01.2019 Wednesday (for ITI- Apprentices) and 09.01.2020 Thursday (for Diploma – Apprentices) at 9.00 AM for selection of candidates for training under the Apprentices Act, 1961 as per the following requirements.

Important Links
Website Link
Online Application: https://www.csircmc.res.in/careers
Notification link 1: Click Here
Notification Link 2: Click Here
Application Form 2: https://www.csircmc.res.in/sites/default/files/attachments/Rec_NEERI%20PA%202_App.pdf
Apprenticeship Training Notification: Click Here