IGI Aviation Services Private Limited
(A Registered Company)
Different Ground Department of IGI Airport such as Airlines, Ground Handling Companies, Hospitality, Retail Outlet, Food Court
& Cargo.
5 Important Job
NLC training 2020 Vacancy
Airport recruitment 2020:
தமிழக அரசு தகவல் தொழில்நுட்ப வேலைவாய்ப்பு :
இந்திய பீரங்கி தொழிற்சாலையில் வேலை வாய்ப்பு:
Customer Service Agent
10+2/Above from recognized Board
Rs.15,000-Rs.25,000 18-30 590
Note – Applicants are advised to go through all the eligibility criteria carefully and satisfied themselves about their suitability in
terms of age limit, essential qualification, skills, etc. before applying.
Schedule of events:
The schedule of events shall be as under:
Activity Date
Last date of online registration 16 September 2020 (Date Extended)
Download of Admit Card for examination Coming Soon 2020
Dates of Examination Coming Soon 2020
Date of Result 15 days after examination (Tentatively)
Candidates are advised to regularly keep in touch with authorized
IGI website www.igiaviationdelhi.com for details and
Examination Center:
Written Examination Details
General Awareness (25 Marks)
Aviation Knowledge (25 Marks)
English Knowledge (25 Marks)
Aptitude & Reasoning (25 Marks)
*The written examination contains 100 objective type multiple choice questions. Each question carry 1 mark.
The level of the exam will be of 12th standard/grade.
Exam paper will be bilingual (English & Hindi)
Note –
There will be no negative marking.
Admit card can only be downloaded from the website www.igiaviationdelhi.com.
IGI reserves the right to allot the candidate to any center other than the one he/she has opted for. Candidates will be informed accordingly incase of any change in the date/center/venue of examination by e-mail and SMS.
How to Apply
The online applications will be filled up by 16 September 2020 (Date Extended). The access to the online application form will be closed on 16 September 2020 midnight.
Candidate can only apply online directly on the company website www.igiaviationdelhi.com.
Examination fee of Rs. 350 is applicable. Examination Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
Candidates are advised to submit only one application. Submission of multiple applications may result in cancellation
of all the applications.
Before submitting the online application, a candidate must ensure that they have provided correct information,
particularly the e-mail ID, phone number etc. No changes can be made after submitting the application form.
Selection Procedure
A candidate has to appear for a written test first.
Candidates who qualify in the written test will appear for the personal round of interview at the company registered
office in Delhi. Date & timing for the interview will be mention in the call letter which will be uploaded on the website.
Based on the combined performance of the written test and personal round of interview, a candidate would be
shortlisted for final selection subject to successful completion of their character antecedent verification followed by
medical test.
General Conditions
Before applying for the post a candidate should ensure that he/she fulfills the required eligibility criteria mentioned in
the advertisement. Furnishing any wrong or false information would lead to cancellation of the application.
The above mentioned profiles not reserved for any category of physically handicapped (HH, OH, VH) persons. Hence,
they NEED NOT apply.
Successful completion of training is mandatory for confirmation of the post.
The candidate age should be under 30 years till 31March 2020.
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for the written examination.
No qualification certificates are required at the time of filling the application form. Also, do not send any hard copy of
educational certificates at company registered office.
The number of seats are provisional and liable to change.
Certain amount of training fee is applicable post successful clearing of written test.
IGI Aviation Services reserves full right to accept or cancel any application form and the whole process without any
prior notification or reason therefore.
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