Tamil Nadu Govt Jobs 2021:
Madras Regimental Centre Recruitment 2021: Madras Regimental Centre announces the latest job notification for 2021. 10th or 12th completed candidate who can apply for this Govt Jobs Online on or before 26.08.2021. interested must fulfil all eligibility criteria. who are requested to read the full official notification carefully to know about the following details. the process of Examinations and Interview, Application Fee, How to Apply etc. are before going apply.
Government jobs 2021:
Post names:
LDC 01 Rs.19900/-
Bootmaker 01 Rs.19900/-
Cook 09 Rs.19900/-
Tailor 01 Rs.18000/-
Safaiwala 03 Rs.18000/-
Barber 03 Rs.18000/-
Washerman 05 Rs.18000/-
Job Location: Tamil Nadu
Govt Jobs Eligibility Details: application form will be available on the Official Website from 06.08.2021 to 26.08.2021. Candidates who are interested in MRC OOTY Recruitment 2021 can apply for Madras Regimental jobs. who should be completed following education criteria
10th or 12th passed candidates eligible
Govt Jobs Eligibility Details:
Age Limit:
- minimum age limit for all candidates 18 years
maximum age limit for
- Unreserved: 25 years
- OBC: 28 years
- SC/ST: 30 years
- Ex-serviceman: military service = 3 years
Salary: ₹19900-37000 per month
Selection Process exam and interview
Application Fees
- No Application fees
How to apply MRC ooty 2021
Candidates can apply Offline Mode.
- Applicants can apply Offline Mode.
- Aspirants to Download the Official Notification
- Find official notification on the official website.
- Fill in all the particulars without any mistakes.
- Enclose All Relevant Documents.
- Submit your application address mentioned in official notification
Official Notice Download: Notice