Ministry Of External Affairs Recruitment 2020 Apply @ mea.gov.in
Ministry Of External Affairs Recruitment 2020:Applications in the prescribed proforma (as per Annexure I to the advertisement) are invited from eligible candidates for engagement of NEST [New, Emerging & Strategic Technologies] Fellows in the Ministry of External Affairs, New Delhi, on a Consultancy basis as per details given below:
Name of Post | NEST Fellow in Ministry of External Affairs Headquarters, New Delhi |
Number of vacancies | 04 (Four) |
Qualifications/Essential Criteria | The applicant should be an Indian National. Applicant must be a graduate in Mathematics/Physics/Bio-science/Computer Science. The candidates having specialization/work experience in the field of Artificial Intelligence/Quantum Frontiers/Renewable Energy, Waste to Wealth, Water, Space and Deep Ocean Exploration technologies will be given preference. Candidate should be in the age group of 30-40 years as on the last date of submission of application. |
Remuneration & Entitlements | The remuneration package will be commensurate with the experience and profile of the selected candidate, subject to a maximum of Rs. 12 lakh per annum and deduction of applicable taxes. The employment will be strictly contractual and will not confer any other benefits to the selected candidates. In case the NEST Fellows are required to travel domestically or abroad as part of their duties, the Ministry will take care of their travel, accommodation, and per-diem costs. The NEST Fellows would not be permitted to conduct independent research work for themselves or for any other organization. Those selected are required to enter into a contract with the Ministry in a prescribed format w.e.f. from the actual date of engagement as NEST Fellow |
The last date | 12/06/2020 |
Ministry Of External Affairs Recruitment 2020 Notification & application form | Click here |
Ministry Of External Affairs Recruitment 2020 Official Website | Click here |