Applications are invited from bright young candidates for the post of Engineer Trainee (temporary) for maintaining and operating the Fatigue Testing machine.

The candidates interested in the above post may apply in the prescribed application form (format attached) with complete information and attachments (copy of certificates /documents) and send the same by Post to
Dr. T. RAMESH / Dr. N. SIVA SHANMUGA Associate Professor (s) & Laboratory in charge (s) Department of Mechanical Engineering National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli Tiruchirappalli – 620 015
Last date for receipt of filled in application: 16:00 hrs, 30th January 2020
Please write “Application for the post of Engineer Trainee (temporary)” on top of the cover.
A copy of the filled in application form (without any attachments of documents) can be sent by email to
Only shortlisted candidates will be informed by e-mail/Mobile and no separate call letter will be issued for the same. No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates called for the interview.
Date of the interview will be intimated by e-mail to the shortlisted candaidates.
The position is purely on temporary basis for a period of 6 months and it may be extended for furthe period(s) based on availability of fund and satisfactory performance of the candidate. It doesn’t confirm any permanent position at NIT Trichy. NIT Trichy reserves the right to reject any or all the applications without assigning any reasons thereof.
For any further information/clarification, the applicant may contact any one of the undersigned by email / Mobile mentioned below
Dr. T. Ramesh / Dr. N. Siva Shanmugam
Email:,, Mob: 9994339803, 9443649278
Important Link:
Notification NIT : CLICK HERE
Notification CUT: Click Here