Notice for Hiring of Sr. Consultant and Data Entry Operator (DEO) on contract basis for the Puducherry State Disaster Management Authority
The State Disaster Management Authority, Puducherry, intends to engage one (01) “Sr. Consultant / Disaster Management (DM) Professional” and one (01) “Data Entry Operator (DEO)”, on contractual basis for a period of 12 months for assisting and supporting the State Disaster Management Authority, Puducherry, in taking measures for the Implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and reporting on the Sendai Framework Monitoring Indicators in this UT of Puducherry.
The eligible candidates for the said posts may send their duly filled in application in the prescribed form as per the terms of references available in the websites, https://www.py.gov.in, https://collectorate.py.gov.in, and https://recruitment.py.gov.in, by Speed Post to the following address:
The Secretary to Government (Relief & Rehabilitation), I- Floor, Collectorate, New Revenue Complex, Vazhudavoor Road, (near Rajiv Gandhi statue), Puducherry – 605 009.
The last date for receipt of duly filled in application through Speed Post is 06.01.2020. Application received after the last date will not be considered. No application will be received through e-mail/fax.
The eligibility criteria such as age, qualification, work experience and expected consultant fees, etc., shall be as per Terms of Reference for respective positions. The Roles and responsibilities of each position are defined in the MoU under Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
Terms of Reference I. Sr. Consultant (Disaster management):
- Category, Qualification, Experience, etc.:
1. | Educational Qualification | Master’s Degree in any discipline (preferably in Management, Social Work, Sociology, Geography, Agriculture, Architecture, Environmental Engineering, Urban Planning). |
2. | Experience | Candidate should have minimum experience of 10 years in the fields related to Disaster Management projects – Post Qualification.Candidate having M.Phil., Degree in the relevant field are required to have minimum work experience of 8 years.Candidate having Ph.D., Degree in the relevant field are required to have minimum work experience of 5 years.Candidate must also have reasonable experience in the field of preparation of Disaster Management Plans and Guidelines, or working in the area related to disaster management. |
3. | Age Limit | The Maximum age limit will be 65 years. |
4. | Duration | For a period of 12 months. Annual extension may be granted till the completion of the project or for maximum 3 years whichever is earlier.The Consultant can be removed at any time by giving one month’s notice or the Consultant can also resign from the assignment by giving one month’s notice to the Secretary to Govt. (R&R). If the performance of the Sr. Consultant is not satisfactory, Secretary to Govt. (R&R) may terminate the contract at any time without notice on ground of poor performance. |
5. | Fee | Rs.1,00,000/- (Rupees One Lakh) per month. |
6. | Reporting Mechanism | Sr. Consultant shall report to Secretary to Govt. (R&R) and shall maintain co-ordination with UTPDMA / SEC & NDMA. |
- Precise Statement of Objective: Suggest measures for integration of mitigation measures in the development plans of State/UT Governments.
- Outline of the task to be carried out: In addition to the work pertaining to deliverables and outcomes of the Scheme, the following tasks are to be performed:
- Support the State Governments in taking measures for implementation of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and reporting on the Sendai Framework Monitoring Indicators.
- To develop coordination mechanism with the aim of implementing Sendai Framework at State and Districts.
- To ensure implementation of Programmes and Schemes of NDMA by States/ UTs.
- To help in capacity building and training activities carried out by UTPDMA/ NDMA.
- Liaison with the UTPDMA/ SDMAs, Relief Commissioners and other Government Departments dealing with Disaster Management
- Data Entry Operator (DEO):
1. | Educational Qualification | Graduation in any discipline.Typing speed of 40 wpm.Diploma/ Certificate Course (1 year) in Computers.Knowledge of MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Power point, etc.), Adobe Reader, Internet, E-Mail, etc. |
2. | Experience | Candidates should have minimum experience of 2 years in similar position. |
3. | Age Limit | The maximum age limit will be 35 years. |
4. | Duration | For a period of 12 months to be extendable by up to 24 months.The Secretary to Govt. (R&R) can remove the incumbent at any time by giving one month’s notice or the incumbent can also resign from the assignment by giving one month’s notice to Secretary to Govt. (R&R). If the performance of DEO is not satisfactorily Secretary to Govt. (R&R) may terminate the contract any time without notice on the ground of poor performance. |
5. | Fee | Rs.22,000/- per month. |
6. | Duties to be performed | Data entry work using computer and appropriate software; entering, updating, verifying, and/ or retrieving data into/ from various sources; and ensuring accuracy and confidentiality of information recorded.To keep record of incoming/ outgoing dak, files/ registers, etc., to keep filing upto date, collect information desired by the Sr. Consultant/ UTPDMA, to deal in a tactful manner with visitors and to attend telephone calls with courtesy.To perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by Sr. Consultant/ UTPDMA from time to time in relation to the implementation of the Scheme.Prepare a weekly report of work done for appraisal. |
- The application shall be sent in neatly typed-out Prescribed Application Form in A4 size paper.
- Candidates shall submit self-attested copies as proof of details furnished in their application form along with 02 recent passport size photos duly self- attested.
- Application received after the deadline, not submitted in the manner prescribed, unsigned applications, photocopy/scanned signature, applications where the post name is not filled in/not filled in correctly and incomplete application will be summarily rejected. The hiring authority will not be responsible for any delay/loss or damage of application through SPEED POST only. No application will be received through E-mail/FAX and the applications received by Email/FAX will not be considered.
- Candidate should have good working knowledge of English and Tamil. Candidate should possess outstanding communication, documentation, presentation, organizational and management skills.
Postal Address
The Secretary to Government (Relief & Rehabilitation), I- Floor, Collectorate, New Revenue Complex, Vazhudavoor Road, (near Rajiv Gandhi statue), Puducherry – 605 009.
Important Link:
Application Link: Click Here
Website Link: Click Here