TANCEM Recruitment 2021 – TANCEM invites applications for recruitment of 19 Personal Assistant, Junior Assistant, Junior Assistant (EDP), Junior Assistant (Finance), Time Keeper, Driver Posts. The applicants are requested to Download Application Form through Official Website http://tancem.com/. Interested candidates are requested to peruse the advertisement regarding the process of Examinations and Interview, Eligibility Criteria, Application Fee, How to Apply, Pattern of Examination, Syllabus, Question Paper, Admit Date, Exam Date, Result Date etc,. Refer thoroughly before applying.
Job Vacancy Details
Total Vacancy – 19 Posts
Name of Post | No. of Post |
Personal Assistant | 04 |
Junior Assistant | 10 |
Time Keeper | 02 |
Driver | 03 |
Age Limit :Name of PostAge Limit
Personal AssistantBelow 35 years
Junior AssistantBelow 35 years
Time KeeperBelow 35 years
DriverBelow 35 years
The Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST; 3 years for OBC, 10 Years for Persons with Disabilities (15 years for SC/ST PWD’s & 13 years for OBC PWD’s) and for Ex-S as per Govt. of India rules. Candidates Relaxation in Upper Age limit will be provided as per Govt. Rules. Go through TANCEM official Notification 2021 for more reference.
Salary :Name of PostPay scale
Personal AssistantRs.19500-62000/-
Junior AssistantRs.19500-62000/-
Time KeeperRs.5670-102-7710/-
Education Qualification :
Name of PostQualificationPersonal AssistantAny degree with stenography and typewriting English & Tamil (Higher) with knowledge in Computer operationsJunior AssistantAny degree with knowledge in computer operationsJunior Assistant (EDP)Any degree with minimum 6 months diploma in Computer ScienceJunior Assistant (Finance)B.Com/BBA with knowledge in computer operationsTime KeeperAny degree having typing / soft skillsDriver10th passed having valid LMV driving licence.
Apply Mode :BY POST
Application Fees
Kindly check the official notification for detailed Application fee information.
Selection ProcessSelection Procedure:
1. Candidates short listed based on the fulfilling eligible criteria will be called for an interview to be conducted by the Corporation at Chennai. Any request regarding change of the date of interview will not be entertained under any circumstances. However, the Corporation reserves the right to change the date/venue/time/centre etc., at interview due to unforeseen circumstances.
2. The Selection Committee shall conduct the interview and award marks to the candidates based on their performance in the interview.
3. While appearing for the interview, the candidate should produce all the required and valid original certificates/documents prescribed below. Failure to do so will result in the candidate not beingallowed to take the interview. The Corporation takes no responsibility to receive/collect any certificate documents sent separately.
4. Candidates called for attending the personal interview are not eligible for reimbursement of TA/DA.
How to Apply :
Candidates should download the applications from our website.www.tancem.com career portal. Eligible candidates should send their filled in applications along with the copies of self-attested documents/testimonials in a cover with superscription of
“Application for the Post of…………………………………..”to the following address by
The General Manager (Mktg./Admn.)
Tamil Nadu Cements Corporation Limited,
LLA Buildings, 2nd Floor, No.735,
Anna Salai, Chennai 600 002.
List of Original Documents to be produced at the time of interview (as applicable)
2. Proof of Date of Birth(Birth Certificate issued by the competent Municipal Authorities or SSLC/X std. with DOB)
3. Photo Identity Proof( with the photo of the candidate clearly visible) issued by the Competent Authority viz., Aadhar Card, Passport, Electors Photo Id Card, PAN Card etc.
4. Mark-sheets & Certificate for SSLC/HSC/Graduation or qualifying degree examination etc.
5. Permanent Community Certificate in electronic form/digitally signed Ecertificate issued by the competent authority as stipulated by the Government of Tamil Nadu in the case of SC/SCA/ST/MBC&DC/BC/BC (OBCM) category candidates. Candidates serving in Government/Quasi Govt. offices/Public Sector Undertakings (including nationalised banks and financial institutions) are required to produce a No Objection Certificate from their employer at the time of attending the interview, if called for.
6. Experience Certificate
7. Any other relevant documents in support of eligibility.
8. If a candidate has registered his/her name with the Employment Exchange, registration details should be furnished.
Important Date:
Form Submission Start Date: 06.01.2021 Form Submission Last Date: 22.01.2021
Download TANCEM official Notification 2020 and Online Apply
Notification 2020: click here!
Application form: Click here! / Click here!