How To Apply?
Students who wish to apply for this scholarship, Kindly contact your institute.
Institute/Office Login
Step-1: Go to the official website of Tamil Nadu e-District through URL [http://escholarship.tn.gov.in/scholarship.html]
Step-2 : Click on the ‘BC, MBC Scholarship’ link under ‘Scholarship System’
Step-3 : The login page will appear. In that, enter the ‘User Name’ and ‘Password’ in the space provided to login to apply for scholarship.

Forgot Password
Institute can use the ‘Forgot Password’ option, Incase you have forgotten/lost the password.
Retrieve Password Here :
Instructions :
** This option is only for college ids (Office and Principal).
** Type your user id for which the password has been forgotten (ex:09099office).
** Type your registered mail id and mobile no.
** Click the submit button.
** Your OTP request will be sent to the DBCWO.
** If your mail id and mobile no. details match, DBCWO will send the OTP to your mail/mobile.
** Enter your OTP no. to login.

Password Change
Follow the steps to change your Password.
Step-1 : Go to the link [http://escholarship.tn.gov.in/edistrict_bcmbc/OtpPasswordCheck.html]
Step-2 : The following page will appear, In that page, enter the User Name, Email, OTP Number in the space provided and hit the ‘Submit’ button.

Student Status
Students can check their application status from the Tamil Nadu e-District website. Just follow the simple steps to tarck your status of scholarship application online.
Step-1: Go to the following link [http://escholarship.tn.gov.in/edistrict_bcmbc/]
Step-2 : Then go to the ‘Status’ tab.
Step-3 : ‘Student Status’ page will appear. Enter your ‘Academic Year’ and ‘Student ID’ in the space given and hit the ‘View’ Status’ button.

Application Last Date
Institution should complete submission of Renewal for 2019-20 before 30.11.2019
Know About Free Education Schemes :
Free Education Scheme is applicable to BC, MBC & DNC students studying in
** 3 Year Arts/Science Degree courses (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com, etc.,)
** 3 Year Polytechnic Diploma Courses
** Professional Degree courses (Medical, Engineering, Agriculture, Veterinary, Law, Indian Medicine etc.,) (under graduate only)
Conditions :
For BCs / MBCs/DNCs :
** Parental annual income should not exceed Rs.50,000/- p.a.
** Students should be first graduate in the family.
For MBCs & DNCs :
** No conditions in so far as the 3 year Degree Courses only (Viz BA, B.Sc., B.Com etc), 3 year Polytechnic Diploma Course and Professional Degree Courses like Medical, Agricultural, Veterinary, Law, Indian Medicine etc., conditions applicable to BC also applicable to MBC/DNC.
Nature of Concessions :
** Tuition fees, Special fees, Examination fees, Other Compulsory fees payable by the students to the institutions at the rate fixed by respective Departments are reimbursed to the students.
** The fees structure charged in Government Colleges alone will be sanctioned irrespective of the rates charged by other private Colleges.
** The approximate amount totally sanctioned to the students under free education schemes for various courses are indicated below for the general guidance of the students.