IPRC Mahendragiri invites applications from candidates for engagement of Graduate / Technician / Trade Apprentices in various disciplines under the Apprentices Act, 1961. Applications are invited from interested and eligible candidates. Applications will be received through OFF-LINE mode only through WALK-IN-INTERVIEW.

IPRC Apprentice Vacancy 2019:
Graduate Apprentice – 41 Vacancy
Technician Apprentice – 59 Vacancy
Trade Apprentice – 120 Vacancy
ISRO IPRC Age Limit:
Age relaxation is applicable for SC/ST candidates (5 years) and OBC candidates (3 years). Persons with Disabilities (PWD) are also eligible for upper age relaxation as per Government of India Rules.
ISRO IPRC Apprentice Education Qualification:
Graduate Apprentice:
First Class Engineering/Technology Degree in the respective disciplines. Bachelor’s Degree (in Arts/Science/Commerce) + Degree in Library Science/ Library & Information Science with First Class.
Technician Apprentice:
Diploma in Engineering/Technology in the respective disciplines with First Class
Trade Apprentice:
SSLC Pass + ITI in respective Trade from NCVT with NTC.
ISRO IPRC Apprentice Selection Process:
The selection for Apprenticeship Training will be done purely based on the PERCENTAGE OF MARKS secured in the qualifying examination as entered by the candidates in the Application FORM.
How to Apply for IPRC Recruitment 2019:
Applications will be received through OFF-LINE mode only through WALK-IN-INTERVIEW as scheduled below.
The applicants may visit Careers page of IPRC Website (iprc.gov.in) and download the Application Form.
The applicants have to fill the Application Form neatly and correctly and attach self attested copies of the certificates regarding Date of Birth, Qualification, Reservation (if any), Previous Experience etc.
Download ISRO IPRC Graduate/ Technician/ Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2019
Application Form