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தமிழக அரசு பாலிடெக்னிக் கல்லூரிகளில் பல்வேறு விதமான வேலை வாய்ப்புகள்
Name of the Post : Office Assistant
No. of Vacancies : 10
Salary Rs.15700-50000
TNHB Recruitment 2021 – Office Assistant Educational Qualification :-
Must have passed 8th Standard or the equivalent, and must know cycling
Name of the Post : Driver
No. of Vacancies : 05
Salary Rs.19500-62000
TNHB Recruitment 2021 – Driver Post Educational Qualification :-
Must possess driving licence and the three years experience in driving vehicles preference will be given to persons possessing licence for driving heavy vehicles, and
Must be able to read and write in Tamil to the satisfaction of the appointing authority
TNHB Recruitment 2021 – Office Assistant and Driver Post Age Limit (As on 31.01.2021)
The Minimum age of all applicants as on 31.01 .2021 should (eighteen) years of age. The maximum age if as follows.
SC, SC(A), ST 35 Years (should not have completed)
MBC / DNC / BC and BC (M) 32 Years (should not have completed)
General (i.e, candidates not belonging to SC, SC(A), ST, MBC/DNC, BC and BC (M)
30 Years (should not have completed)
Selection Procedure for Tamilnadu Housing Board Recruitment 2021
Written exam/ Interview
10 years age of relaxation is allowed for Differently abled persons of all categories where ever maximum age limit is prescribed.
Tamilnadu Housing Board Recruitment Notification Date : 21.02.2021